/rules Read numerous pages of server rules
/faq Discord, Web site, Twitter and Other Info

/afk Tells players you are away from keyboard (you can still die)
/back Takes you back to your last location
/dback Takes you back to your last death location
/home [homename] Go to your sethome
/ping Gives the latency between your computer and server
/pos Gives your XYZ coords
/removehome [homename] Delete a sethome
/rtp Teleports you to random location
/sethome [homename] Set a home location
/sit Sit anywhere. You can also right click stairs to sit.
/spawn Takes you back to spawn
/tpa [player] Request to teleport to player
/tpaccept Accept a teleport request
/tpahere [player] Request player to teleport to your location
/tpdeny Deny a players tpa request to you
/trapped Teleports you outside the current claim if you are trapped
/unstuck If you are glitching in a block, use this command
/warp Takes you to various places including Portals
/pvp toggle Turn On and Off PVP Mode
/pvp status Check Your PVP Status


/buyclaimblocks You can buy them with in-game money or
/claimexplosions Enables or Disabled explosions in the claim you are standing
/claimslist List all of your protections
/containertrust [player] Give someone access to chests in your claim
/permissiontrust [player] Give someone the ability to trust and untrust others in your claim
/subdivide Create claims within your main claim that you can trust people to
/svis gp Enable landclaim visualization red/green dots
/svis toggle Toggle landclaim visualization red/green dots
/svis gui Interactive visualization menu
/trust [player] Allow someone to build and use chests within your claim
/trustlist See who is trusted in your claim
/unclaim Remove a protection you are standing in
/untrust [player] Remove a player from your protection

Pro Tip: To trust everyone on the server replace [player] with "all". This works with all of the commands above.


/answer To answer Quiz questions, use this command
/bal Your current balance
/baltop Top balance of all players
&m/heads search [phrase] Search over 10,000 decorative heads
&m/heads A HeadShop with blocks for decoration
/money pay [player] Pay money to another palyer
&m/playershop [player] Open a specific players shop
&m/playershop Setup a playershop and view other playershops
/trade Trade just about anything with other players
/vshop Allows you to buy rare items. &fSee /warp vote


/ignore [player] Ignore all pubilc chat and messages from a player
/mail clear Clear your mail
/mail read Read your mail
/mail send [player] Send mail to another player if offline
/msg [player] Send private message to player/msg
/r Reply to last private message


/list Online players listed by ranks
/playtime Your total playtime
/playtimetop Top Playtimes
/rankinfo Your Current Rank Information
/ranks A detailed list of all ranks
/rankspay A shortcut to Premium Rank details
/rankup See how much longer until your
/seen [player] See when a player was last online

/petcall Call your pet back to you
/petcst Choose skill for your pet
/petname [petname] Name your pet
/petsa Send your pet away temporarily
/petstore Store your pet away to get a new one
/petswitch Switch between multiple pets
/playershop Buy a lasso/lead from other players
/vshop Buy a lasso/lead with votes

Note: Use lasso/lead to kill pet to claim it
Pets: Bat, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Donkey, Enderman, Endermite, Horse, IronGolem, Llama, Mooshroom, Mule, Ocelot, Pig, PolarBear, Rabbit, Sheep, Silverfish, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, Snowman, Spider, Witch, Wolf, Zombie, ZombieHorse


/warp jobs Provides list and ranks for jobs and signup
/jobs limit You are limited how much you can make each hour
/jobs stats See all your job stats

/mcrank Your McMMO Rank
/mctop McMMO Rank List
/mctop mining Example of listing ranks in specific areas
/mcscoreboard keep Keep current scoreboard on your screen
/mscoreboard clear Remove the scoreboard on your screen


/feelings Provides a list of expressive commands

/marry list List of those who are married on the server
/marry Get a list of other marriage commands

Note: Staff can marry any two players who want to get married


Includes: Veteran Rank Commands
/colors Use colors in signs, anivls, books
/dispose Get rid of select items in your inventory
/ec Get access to Enderchest anywhere
/feed Feed yourself with ease
/hat Take the item in hand and place on your head
/se [row] [text] Edit a given line on the sign you are looking at
/wb Open a workbench anywhere

Scroll Paintings Shift+Click painting, scroll with mouse wheel
Open Shulker without Placing Shift+RightClick Shulker in Inventory
Elytra Boost While holding feather in flight, click and hold right mouse button


Includes: Veteran and Platinum Rank Commands
/armorstand Armor Stand Editor
/condense Condense items in inventory
/itemname Easily name items in your hand

Elytra Super Boost While holding feather in flight, click and hold right mouse button


/warp creative Take you to the Creative world
/flyspeed 1/2/3 Change your flyspeed
/heads get player Get the head of any player
/heads All head commands Free (see shop commands for details)
/plot claim Claim a plot you are in
/plot merge Merge two plots together
/svis toggle Toggle worldedit selections red/green dots
/svis we Enable visualizations for WorldEdit selections
/svis gui Interactive visualization menu